GYmkhana Member policies
ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE: There is a nonrefundable $35 annual registration fee due on January 1st of each year (or at the start of your membership). This is a family fee and covers all active siblings.
AUTOMATIC PAYMENT POLICY: All active members are required to have an automatic payment card on file with the Gymkhana office.
CANCELLATION & MAKE-UP POLICY: We reserve the right to cancel a particular class for insufficient enrollment, and those students will either be rescheduled to another class, or tuition will be refunded at the member's option. There are NO MAKE-UPS and NO REFUNDS for holidays or missed / cancelled classes since tuition is based on an average of only four (4) weeks per month. Our cancellation & make-up policy may be updated at any time.
CLASS MOVE-UPS: Skill progress reports are performed during each class at the Recreational level (except Advanced). Students will be notified when they've passed all of their skills nd can move to the next level. Move-ups are only permitted at the start of a new month. Girls that are 5-6 years old are required to stay in 'Young Beginner' or 'Young Super Beginner' girls unless management provides an exception for them to move to an alternate class.
CLOTHING POLICY: For girls gymnastics & tumbling (ages 5+) a leotard is preferred. Alternatively, a fitted tank top or t-shirt is also acceptable with bike shorts or leggings. No zippers, belt-buckles, or baggy clothing is permitted. Socks or gymnastics shoes are optional. For boys gymnastics & tumbling shorts & t-shirt that can be tucked in are permitted. All classes: long hair must be tied back and no jewelry except for stud earrings is allowed.
MULTIPLE ABSENCE DROP POLICY: We reserve the right to drop any athlete from class that has missed three (3) consecutive classes without notification. If/when an athlete returns, they may be required to be placed on a waiting list for their class.
AUTOMATIC PAYMENT POLICY: All active members are required to have an automatic payment card on file with the Gymkhana office.
CANCELLATION & MAKE-UP POLICY: We reserve the right to cancel a particular class for insufficient enrollment, and those students will either be rescheduled to another class, or tuition will be refunded at the member's option. There are NO MAKE-UPS and NO REFUNDS for holidays or missed / cancelled classes since tuition is based on an average of only four (4) weeks per month. Our cancellation & make-up policy may be updated at any time.
CLASS MOVE-UPS: Skill progress reports are performed during each class at the Recreational level (except Advanced). Students will be notified when they've passed all of their skills nd can move to the next level. Move-ups are only permitted at the start of a new month. Girls that are 5-6 years old are required to stay in 'Young Beginner' or 'Young Super Beginner' girls unless management provides an exception for them to move to an alternate class.
CLOTHING POLICY: For girls gymnastics & tumbling (ages 5+) a leotard is preferred. Alternatively, a fitted tank top or t-shirt is also acceptable with bike shorts or leggings. No zippers, belt-buckles, or baggy clothing is permitted. Socks or gymnastics shoes are optional. For boys gymnastics & tumbling shorts & t-shirt that can be tucked in are permitted. All classes: long hair must be tied back and no jewelry except for stud earrings is allowed.
MULTIPLE ABSENCE DROP POLICY: We reserve the right to drop any athlete from class that has missed three (3) consecutive classes without notification. If/when an athlete returns, they may be required to be placed on a waiting list for their class.